Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pepto Bismol for the Soul

You know, it's weeks like this week that make us realize how much we really love our brothers in community.
That's right. It's sick week!

To describe it in brief, take a look at these symptoms:
Sorry you had to see that.

But that's been the extent of our week. And doesn't it have a great correlation with Lent?
     What a wonderful reflection on the "sicknesses" of our own lives, the sinfulness and unfaithfulness. May we participate fully in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist that we all might be cured of our ailments and put on Jesus Christ Who is our Lord, Who is our Healer, Who is our Cure.

     May, this week especially, we learn to love our brothers and sisters as they are and help bring them the aid the Lord has given us at our Baptism. Let us cure a world sick with sin with none other than the Body and Blood of Christ! Get Ready!

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