Monday, April 30, 2012



This past sunday, we heard in the gospel that Jesus was the "Good Shepherd" and he took care of all the sheep that were apart of his flock and even other sheep that were not. There were also other shepherds who were paid and while watching the sheep, really didn't care about them.

WE ARE THE SHEEP IN THE FLOCK AND JESUS IS OUR GOOD SHEPHERD. You've probably heard this many times..HOWEVER, you've never heard it like this.

As a good shepherd Jesus went to go find his lost sheep no matter what. He went through dirt, mud, wilderness, and other crazy terrain. He did ALL THESE THINGS for his sheep out of LOVE. Love is what Jesus works on. Also, it's His choice to love us, we don't ask him to love us...He just does.

Through the Tough Mudder event, my teammates and I navigated through 12 miles of all types of terrain and 20+ obstacles to reach a common goal..which was the finish line! The only twist was that before running through the finish line we had to go through a field of electric wires. NBD.

Kind of like Jesus as the good shepherd and we as the flock, my teammates and I went through dirt, mud, and wilderness to push each other along and make sure we were safe all the way until the end.

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