Friday, April 13, 2012

Serve Him while we wait!

Last night, I had the opportunity to help out with Thursday night youth center. Typically, I work Friday nights, but one of the other guys in formation was unable to go so I was able to help out! I loved how different it was! It's kind of like this: you ever take more than one trip to the same place, and you realize that each time was a completely different experience? That's what it felt like!

The interesting dynamic of Thursday night youth center is that is typically a young adult crowd, and this group of persons is made up mostly of Hispanics or Haitians. It just so happened that the weather has been getting pretty beautiful outside. Thus, a lot of the guys prefer to play soccer outside rather than coming play inside our youth center. So, in true Don Bosco fashion, one of our brothers decided that if they weren't going to come to us, we were going to go to them. And he let me tag along!

It was amazing to see the way they react to those who show a general interest in what they do and what is going on in their lives. It's like Don Bosco said: "Learn to love what the young love, and they will learn to love what you love."

And I find that this truly makes up what Salesian life is. We wake up each day, waiting for the Lord to surprise us. For no matter how much we schedule, He will always bring people and events into our daily lives that we weren't expecting. And we are overjoyed to accept His gifts! How great it is to serve the Lord in openness!

Tonight, I challenge you to empty yourself out to the Lord so that you might be fully open to whatever He decides to surprise you with tomorrow. Sounds easy right? Give it a try!

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