Wednesday, November 16, 2011

G P L !

G [Gym]= Being physically healthy/fit, exercise, reaching goals
P [Prayer]= Spiritual exercise, attaining Holiness
L [Laundry]= aka Confession, spiritually and physically clean

GPL is not superficial, it is a way of life, it is embracing the body and soul The Father has given you, and working it to its full potential! We are not just body, but also spirit and it requires us to tend to both. That's why we are here to challenge the young today, to become a new Generation!! a Generation GPL, that is willing to embrace the Gospel and truly live it out for others, be witnesses to Christ's love and mercy!! lets not forget we were made in the image and likeness of God, The Father is forever pouring out his love for us, and we too are called to spread the love that the Father has given us!!! By embracing this challenge you are saying yes to a healthy body and spirit!
     We need to take care of our bodies so we can love ourselves, so then we can also love others, and be effective in our day to day life and truly witness the example of Jesus of moderation in everything, remember everything God the Father created is good and given to us, so we can have dominion over it, not the other way around! Spiritually we need to take as much care of it, as our own bodies!! if you died right now, what state is your soul in? Thats why we must have spiritual exercises so we can build that close relationship with the Father!
     Laundry- all of us need a place to take our dirty laundry to, and The Father in his infinite love for us, has left us Confession, so we can lay down all of our sins, and leave there with your souls as white as snow- we want to really stress the importance and also the joy that comes with confession!!! WE NEED TO BECOME SITUATIONS FOR CHRIST!!!!!!

This message brought to you by: Pedro Silva, Second Year Candidate

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