Thursday, May 10, 2012


Are you having a bad day?
Chin up, kid.  You've got Christ within you!

How about a little lyrical digestion:
I am a mountain Christ, you are bigger than Mt. Zion; bigger than Calvary; bigger than any mountain that may be before you.
I am a tall tree Christ, you are greater than any tree, greater than the tree of Jesus' crucifixion. You can overcome any cross in your life!
I am a swift wind have life within you, you breathe life from within. You have the Holy Spirit. Be not afraid! 

If anybody asks you who I am, just stand up tall look 'em in the face and have your identity in Christ alone.

I'm that star up in the sky your heart exists something, someone greater than every star, even the star that led the wise men. In your heart exists the ultimate guiding light.
I'm that mountain peak up high
...all of your dreams, all of your goals, are possible in Him.
Hey, I made it
...this is our goal! Will we make it? Do we desire to make it? Will we reach the highest heights?
I'm the world's greatest are great because He made you so. You were made "very good."  Don't let anyone tell you differently.

     So, my fellow blog reader, I encourage you to find Christ in everyone and in everything that you do.  Some days may be the hardest of climbs, but know that the greatest mountain was already conquered. Christ did so with His own blood.  Claim that resurrection, and never be the same.

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