Sunday, January 22, 2012

Graced to Grace Others

I've been blessed through my lifetime to have many different Moms- my biological mother, my grandmother, my aunts, people who have taught me, the list goes on and on. Today though, I am reminded of one in particular who uses a phrase that fits in perfectly with the Sunday Gospel for today:

"Graced to Grace Others"
How perfect is that? Today we hear about Jesus calling on ordinary people to share in his love and to share that love with others.  Jesus could have called scholars of the law or high and mighty big shots, but he didn't. He called everyday people and graced them so that they could grace others with their presence, words, and works. That call didn't stop with the New Testament. Jesus has called, continues to call, and will always call ordinary men and women to be Graced to Grace others. All we have to be is open enough to listen to and follow the call. There are about 40 men who have chosen to follow Christ in the footsteps of Don Bosco- we are definitely Graced to grace others. How will you follow your own call?

I was thinking about this phrase and the song Love Like Crazy by Kierra Sherard came to mind- so here it is :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bosco son! Wow! This is awesome! I am honored and humbled that you thought of me. I try to live out this theme everyday of my life. I have been so graced that I must grace others. I want everyone to know this Jesus whom I love and am privileged to serve. Know that I continue to pray for you daily as you walk this journey of answering God's amazing call on your life. I am soooo proud of you as I watch the unfolding of God's grace in your life! Blessing to you!

    Graced to Grace Others,

