Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is true love?

     What is true love? Is it as simple as the way kids think it is? We tend to complicate it, but in reality it is quite simple. We see it in the friendship we share with one another, in the self-sacrifice of those who truly care about us. We see it in the care our parents show us. This is the type of love which we see from those who truly care for our well-being. Well then, is this not enough? Why are we not satisfied with the love we already receive from those around us?

     My answer for this is quite simple. We are searching to understand that we are loved in the most perfect way. We want to be loved for who we truly are and that no matter what we do we want to know that we are still loved. This is exactly the type of love we receive from God, who created us and loved us into existence. Not only does He shows us His love in those around us (whom He created), more importantly, He wants be a part of our lives. God is Love. We glorify Him in the way we love others.

     So let us not leave it till Valentine’s Day to show others we love them. Let every moment of our days be an expression of love towards others.

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