Monday, May 7, 2012

Get holy.

So, here's a bit of a liturgical update for you:

      Yesterday was Sunday, April 6th. April 6th is typically Saint Dominic Savio's feast day. But, because it was Sunday, Sundays take presidence over saintly memorials. So, does this mean that we have to wait ALL the way until next year to honor Saint Dominic Savio? Well, for some, yes. But for us Salesians, we see Dominic as one of the most vivid fruits of St. John Bosco's system. We say that this feast is too important to pass up. So, we moved the feast to today in order to give Saint Dominic Savio all of our love and affection, that we might learn to give our lives completely to the Blessed Mother as he did at such a young age.

So what will you do to honor Saint Dominic Savio today?
Or, better yet, what will you do to honor Our Lady today?

If we're going to Heaven, how many will we take with us?

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