Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Study time; time for perseverance.

This is the time of the year when stress and busyness take a very significant and substantial part in a student's life. Universities, schools, libraries and some other educational centers are over crowded with people carrying, reading, and some times memorizing papers; which means that they somehow study. As a current student at Seton Hall University, I do not have the best advice to give you, but at least I have some experience about it that I would like to share with you in a very simplistic way. Here we go:

1) Having a clean and organized study place:
   . Such place must be very well, naturally illuminated (having a window to a beautiful and peaceful landscape would be perfect) and quiet.
2) Workplace only with the materials needed:
   . If the individual is studying for a math class there is no reason for the presence of a history book on the desk.
3) Good physical disposition:
   .  A good feeding and well being of the body is strongly needed.
4) Avoidance of social networking:
   . I know this one is hard but at least make the sacrifice for a good sake, remember this is only for a specific amount of time.
5) Study breaks:
   . This is the time the individual gets out of the work-place and completely disconnects from the main task, which is study. 
6) Sharing the task:
   . It is always recommended to share, with those who are around, thoughts or points of interests about the subject which is been studied.

There are much more advice out there that could be even more helpful. Before letting you go I want to make one more point; never give up and always look to the future result of the mission. Again, this is all based on my personal experience and I know, for sure, it works at least for me. I wish you all holy and blessed studies. Stay strong and never give up.

Here I leave you with a video that I watched the other day, and it is about perseverance in life.  Enjoy it and God bless you all and your beloved ones.

Mary Help of Christians Pray for us, Amen!!!

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