Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Today I desire to give you the joy of the Risen One..."

Today, my most beloved brothers and sisters, our Mother Mary calls us to that authentic joy of Her Son.

I believe this wonderful gift given to us in the Christian life can be well compared to the following scene from Sister Act 2. We can go on with our lives living in mediocrity, singing without meaning or passion. We can try to go on living on our own strength, cowarding under our own fear of inadequacy. But that won't get us far.

In fact, all it will get us are a bunch of sideways faces--persons with funny looks upon their faces, for they know that each of us was made for more. Their mind tells them, "you know, there's just something missing in those guys." And the looks on their faces help remind us to live according to who and what we were made for. So, being guided by our peers and community, we are calmed and relaxed.

Then, at the right time, with great triumph, all of us sing in harmony. Our lives connect in a great exultation of praise to the Father. Heaven meets earth when that high note is hit, when we receive our Lord and Savior in the Holy Eucharist! And, thus, our hearts are filled with great joy! But we continue to lift each other up even after. We do not stop singing. Rather, we carry that voice--the voice of God--with us wherever we go. This is the Christian joy. This is the life we are called to. And what a joyful life it is!

May you be inspired to live a life of authenticity and overwhelming joy!

Our Lady of Medjugorje, pray for us.

Posted by: Jared R.

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