Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We are all sinners!

This past weekend, I was thinking of Jesus and His relationship with Mary, Martha's sister. Jesus loved going to Bethany to hang out with them, but lets not forget Mary was a prostitute, she was hungry for the truth, but it took Him dying on the cross for her conversion to take place. We need to embrace the love that Jesus had for sinnners and also embrace our own cactus (the ugly side of ourself) because loving others begins with us loving ourselves. When we are able to look in the mirror and admit to our sinful behavior, we are also able to embrace the ugly side of our brothers and sisters. We are all sinners. I really have a hard time grasping the idea that young people actually look up to me, my imperfections are so easily seen and I am constantly beating myself up over it. I ask many questions to God--why this, why that. But when I really sit down and began to reflect on my life, I am able to see God's healing hand ever upon me. Through my experiences and my love for Jesus, I became aware of God constantly pouring His awesome love upon me and also giving me the grace to become that channel to all around me. In this crazy world saturated with counterfeit love, we need to be firm yet loving! We need to be comfortable around the things of this culture, but not let it change us! We need to become aware of how much God truly loves us and the commandment that Jesus gave us! Love another as I have loved you! Lets not forget that it is not through words that our brothers and sisters will change, but through little acts of kindness and love! Forgive yourself for any wrong that you have done and embrace your cactus! "I tell you, her sins--and they are many--have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love."- Luke 7:47. Love unceasingly and be the light for all!!

“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves"

Only through the love of Christ, can we break the walls of our fallen brothers and sisters!!!

We are SINNERS!!! We are not better than them!!! We Just have been giving a tremendous gift! OUR FAITH!!
With much love and prayers,
Your brother Dro!

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