Wednesday, January 16, 2013

For You I Work(FYIW)

As a Salesian in Formation you learn a lot, learning becomes a huge time consumer of your life. But for those that hate school it can be greatly disappointing. Luckily for us, our wise founder Don Bosco solved this problem. He showed us that study is not to be endured, but to be rejoiced in. Because we tell the youth, "for you I study, for you I work, for you I am ready to give even my life." and we live those words daily. It does not leave our mind, that as we are working we are reminded for who we work. This not only helps us to continue working, but it also contributes to our spiritual life, and our reception of grace, primarily joy. It is in that work, that we are remained that our exhaustion means something, and that it is not simply being tired for nothing. What I have learned as a Salesian, is that in work offered to God, we not only attain salvation, but we also become tools of salvation for others. It is because of this that Salesians are meant to work. For we work for God, through his young people, so each and every day, I as a Salesian utter "Da Mihi Animas Ceatera Tolle"(Bring me souls, you take the Rest) not only with my words, but with my actions.

May God's grace be with us all through this new semester.
Will(Work, Wander, Wait)

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