Sunday, April 8, 2012

He Has Risen

He has risen; let the whole world know that he has risen on this day! Alleluia, Alleluia. In the rising of Christ we are brought into communion with Christ and the ability to receive eternal life. But in addition to that, we are brought into the journey of sanctity. Whereas we who were once consumed by death and our broken human nature, have become anew through our lord Jesus Christ, He our lord and savior has broken through the gates of death, and has brought us to life in him. This is the time of the lord, the kingdom of God is at hand, let us praise him forever, and aim forever toward the goal of life.

“Death is no more, the grave has been conquered. Raise high your spirits oh Beloved of God, for this is your day, the day of the completion of our salvation. This day which was told of old, from the very mouth of God. Rejoice oh chosen people, for our unity in God was made by the I Am himself.” Amen, Amen Alleluia

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