Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sacred Silence is Calling

What is that sound? The beautiful sound of God's glorious music! But what is this? No one can hear it?

How can this be! This must be altered, this must change! What can they hear? They listen and yet they hear nothing. It is in that perfect silence, that the most wondrous things can be heard.

One may listen for years, one may wait in total silence and never find it's beauty. But when one gives oneself, then and only then can it be heard. Prop your ear, block all sounds away. But until you seek silence within yourself, then you will find it locked away. Such a wondrous treasure.

None will find that sacred silence in God, unless you first allow God to enter you. No words describe, not even the wisest of us can tell. When it fall upon us, you know it well. Like waves upon a shore. Listening can bring the most perfect peace. Like the gentle wind stroking your face. The beauty of listening to the silence is incomparable.

Oh how busy we are, but to take a moment to bask in the beauty of listening. It becomes a little heaven on earth, a total connection to God. Then pulled from our chest is a relaxed sigh, like a well deserved rest. Many look for it, but none listen. Blessed be those who listen to God, for they will be happier than any other.

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